Paw Prints Ventures
2635 4th Ave W, Vancouver BC V6K 1P8
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When Paw Prints Grooming opened in Vancouver in 2001, owner Jenny Cutnam was just continuing what she always loved: working with animals. “I’ve done animal rescues; I love to work with animals,” Jenny says. “When I took a course for dog grooming, I realized I wanted to do this.”

Jenny demonstrates the same compassion and understanding with her clients at Paw Prints Grooming that she developed working with animals in shelters. Along with two other groomers, Jenny makes sure that the dogs and cats that come into their business enjoy a stress-free grooming experience.

Located in a dog-friendly neighbourhood, Paw Prints Grooming regularly sees clients from their community, as well as loyal pet owners who have moved away but still return for the quality grooming their pets have become accustomed to. Here you’ll find grooming for dogs and cats, as well as ear cleaning, teeth brushing, nail clipping, pad shaves, and more. Indeed, there are even options for mohawks and lion cuts.

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