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A man is sitting at a table and writing with a pencil

LEF isn’t defined by a single place.

A man is sitting at a table and writing with a pencil
It’s a symbol of trust between us and the communities we’ve been serving for over 40 years. By providing free or subsidized access to all of our services, we’ve served thousands of families in over 30 neighbourhoods across Toronto. And as we move forward on this shared journey, we will continue to empower our members and develop these communities towards a future we can be proud of.
Learn more about LEF

Our Journey Towards Truth and Reconciliation

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada described reconciliation as “establishing and maintaining mutually respectful relationships” between Indigenous Peoples and settlers to Canada (TRC, 2015, p. 6). For LEF, these relationships go beyond land acknowledgements and are inclusive of learning to appreciate each other’s worldviews, traditions, and protocols. So far, our work with Dr. Gokoomis (Grandmother) Jacqueline Lavallée, Waabizheshi Doodem (Marten Clan) from Shawanaga First Nation and her Oshkaabewis (Sacred Helper) Dr. Hopi Martin alongside Gokoomis (Grandmother) Vivian Recollet has been helping us understand how Indigenous perspectives have been excluded from Canada and how their inclusion can lead to deeper understanding of the land, community, and our human connections across the globe.

Learn more about LEF services

Childcare support

LEF is one of the largest providers of childcare services in all of Toronto. Find one of our childcare centres near you and get the support you need.
  • Get help settling in Canada
    As you continue your life journey in Canada, our dedicated newcomer services provide the support you need to make this your home.
  • Discover, learn, or improve your skills
    In addition to our free language services, LEF offers certified courses and other training to help you discover new talents, learn new skills, or improve on skills you already have.
  • Find a job
    In addition to free resume building services, LEF focuses on building connections with employers to increase your chances of getting hired.
  • Hire workers
    The communities we represent are filled with talented individuals ready to make a difference in the workforce.
  • Connect with the community
    You’re part of our community, so whether you need your bike fixed or to book an event space, we’re here to keep you connected to the people who make your community special.

Get involved

  • Volunteer your time

    Support our community with your time

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  • Donate

    Your donation helps change lives

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  • Become a member

    Your voice matters. Help us shape the future of your community.

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The Mount Dennis Quilt Project

Our commitment to community

The Mount Dennis Quilt project envisions a 14-storey multi-use building, offering a vibrant streetscape with both the ground level and the first few floors as community space.
Learn more about the project

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