OUR MISSION: To provide a SAFE, CARING environment to help you through the time of crisis and beyond
OUR MISSION: To provide a SAFE, CARING environment to help you through the time of crisis and beyond
Sometimes, the level of fear and the degree of violence is escalated and you need to come to a shelter to ensure you and your children’s safety. We try to make you as comfortable as possible and to provide you and your family with the support you need to make new choices to end the violence in your life. Learn more.
What is Prairie Harbour? What is it like to stay in a shelter? What resources are available for me? Frequently Asked Questions about our domestic violence shelter can be found here.
There are many factors that cause women to remain in domestic violence situations. In order to help ourselves or learn to help our friends, we must understand the different types of abuse and why women stay.
Abuse can remain hidden for a long time. Taking time to learn about abuse and its effects can go a long way in helping end family violence. Either for yourself and family, or for a friend you know. Start learning more here.
If you are in a violent relationship, safety should be your first concern. Here are some basic steps for a Safety Plan that can help you.
We try to provide services to women and families as well as to help friends and neighbours learn how to support a woman in ending the violence she is experiencing. List of what Prairie Harbour Inc. provides.
Your generosity makes a big difference. With your donations, you help provide the resources needed to continue to provide quality services to women, and families whose lives have been affected by family violence. Consider a donation to our shelter.
Prairie Harbour Inc.
Previously known as: Portage Family Abuse Prevention Centre