Attention Green Valley Pharmacy Patients:

Hours of operation:

8:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday to Friday

8 am to 2 pm Saturday, Sunday and statutory holidays

Clinic and pharmacy entry restricted to PATIENTS ONLY with a SCHEDULED APPOINTMENT

On the day of your appointment, please visit the Ottawa Fertility website and complete the patient assessment questionnaire or click on the link here

Your safety is important to us.  We have implemented specific measures to protect patients and staff.

These include:

- Active Screening for COVID-19 of all Patients and Staff immediately prior to entry to clinic

- Clinic and pharmacy entry restricted to PATIENTS ONLY with a SCHEDULED APPOINTMENT

- Infection Prevention and Control Training for all staff

- Plexiglass to separate patient area from dispensing area

- Increased use of Virtual Care options (counselling by phone) to minimize in person contact

- Option to use home delivery when appropriate

- Increased cleaning of commonly touched surfaces

- Compliance with physical distancing practices (2 metre minimum distance from others)

- Use of masks when physical distancing cannot be maintained

Rest assured, although some of our processes have changed, our commitment to patient service has not.  Green Valley Pharmacy works closely with the Ottawa Fertility Centre to ensure a seamless patient experience.  The Pharmacy Team looks forward to serving you.   

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