
Welcome to Elmvale Presbyterian Church.

“Elmvale Presbyterian Church is a Christian Community where Everyone is welcome, sharing God’s love through worship, music, prayer, teaching and outreach in our community for 164 Years.” Worship Services are held each Sunday at 11AM.

Come and Join us for the Celebration of Easter. The List of Services and Events for Easter may be found on the Upcoming Events Page.

Elmvale Presbyterian is:

A Bible Church

Perhaps the most obvious feature of Elmvale Presbyterian Church is the centrality of the Bible in all that we do. We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God. Consequently, everything from our patterns of worship, our sermons, our prayer, our outreach and mission, to our church structure, seeks to reflect clear Biblical teaching and we pray for God’s promises in the Bible to be fulfilled in our various circumstances.

A Gospel Church

The central focus of the whole Bible is to be found in a person – Jesus Christ. Because Elmvale Presbyterian is a Bible Church it is also a Jesus-centered Church, a Gospel Church. At the heart of our identity is a passion for sharing and living the good news about Jesus Christ – the gospel. Because of Jesus Christ, Christians live transformed lives. It is this message, far more than any historic or cultural distinctive, that defines us. This is what we are about.

A Mission Church

The gospel message is for everyone. Jesus commanded his church to ‘go and make disciples of all nations’ (Matthew 28:19). At Elmvale Presbyterian Church we take that command seriously as we seek to bring the gospel message to everyone within our community. We practice an active discipleship through our many actions of love and care that reach outwards from our church to our community and beyond.

A Contemporary Church

Another result of being a Bible Church and a Gospel Church is that we are a Contemporary Church. Everyone is welcome at Elmvale Presbyterian Church. The gospel is a ‘change-agent’, bringing new life and fresh challenges to both the church and our society in every age. That means that while Elmvale Presbyterian Church continues to prize our heritage and traditions (our church celebrated 164 years of continuous Christian witness this year) we feel compelled to work creatively to bring the good news about Jesus to bear on each generation, convinced that the timeless message of the gospel speaks to your life with up-to-the-minute relevance and power. Everyone is welcome at Elmvale Presbyterian.

A Connected Church

One of the great needs of our day is the need for connection, for a sense of belonging. As a church we believe that our congregation is responsible for the spread of the good news in our community. Our Church is led by a group of elders (the New Testament Greek word for elder is presbyter, hence ‘Presbyterian’), at least one of whom has been trained and given specific responsibilities for teaching and preaching, who is the Minister or Pastor. Together the local elders are known as the Session. Our Session is represented at a regional level at a meeting called the Presbytery, and each Presbytery is represented at a national level at the annual General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. In this way Elmvale Presbyterian seeks to ensure that we share a common vision, that we are able to offer support, and remain accountable to one another as members together as the Body of Christ, the church.

Our mission is not to grow an organization. Nor is it to become just another club or group within the community. We exist because of Jesus Christ. We want to fulfil his commission to us to ‘make disciples’. That means we share Jesus’ message so that men, women, boys and girls who would know, love, follow, worship, confess and serve Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. A life described by Jesus as lived to the full (John 10:10) and eternal (John 17:3).

The Link to our Live stream Service 

Go to YouTube – www.youtube.com, Our service is active from 10.55am each Sunday: https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/1994425

Worship with us in person or join with us on our live stream starting at 10:50 with announcements on our you tube channel (Elmvale Presbyterian Church).

The service will also be posted on this website later on Sundays and can also be accessed on our Facebook page @ElmvalePresbyterianChurch and on the “live stream” page on this  web site.

Sunday School and Youth Church is available.

E-Transfer Giving Available at: donatetoepc@rogers.com

Contact for more information: Rev Tom – 705-441-5525 or tomsmason@hotmail.com , Deanna at the Church Office – 705-322-1411 or elmknoxpres@rogers.com or Marlene, Clerk of Session – 705-322-1843  Thank you.

Church Office Open – Sunday through Wednesday 11am to 3pm. Please call or email for any urgent requests.

Service is followed with coffee and fellowship, please come and join us after worship, all are most welcome.

The wearing of face masks at this time in church is now  your personal choice. You are welcome with or without a mask. We continue to monitor Health Unit protocols.

There is plenty of parking behind the church and Handicap elevator access is also available at the East entrance door.

We are an open and inclusive church, where Everyone is welcomed as part of the congregation. We are all the Children of God.

We acknowledge that we gather on the traditional lands of the Iroquois, Ojibway, Chippewa and WSANEC people. We acknowledge this territory’s significance for the Indigenous peoples who lived, and continue to live, upon it and whose practices and spiritualities were tied to the land.

We hope that you will come and join us. We look forward to getting to know you!

Blessings and Peace.

The Elmvale Congregation.
22 Queen St. E, Elmvale, ON, L0L1P0

Minister: Rev Tom Mason

For information on:  Contact us, I am new, Live Stream Worship, Let’s Do Lunch and Church events, Bible Study or our Kids’ Church please go to the Menu tab.See the source image