Whether it’s your first-time walking through the doors or you’ve been here countless times before, please know that your presence brings joy and enriches our church. We look forward to sharing this meaningful journey of faith and life with you.
As part of the United Church of Canada we actively embrace inclusion and we welcome everyone with warm hospitality.
Our churches share the building and staff to offer opportunities for everyone who comes through our doors as well as the community around us. Some of our ministries include a strong music program, activities for children, youth and families, opportunities for seniors to support each other and learn together, outreach and social justice initiatives with the community, and so much more. Our beliefs drive us to take action, and we encourage individuals to seek God and grow in their faith journey.

Both St David’s and Northminster began serving their communities more than 70 years ago…St David’s here in Capitol Hill and Northminster on Centre Street North. More recently, Northminster began a process of discernment than led them to the decision to sell their Centre Street location to enable ministry programs for the future rather than focusing on the cost and maintenance of an aging building. Around the same time, St David’s was without a Senior Minister, and it was decided that the two churches would come together in a partnership to share a building and ministry leadership, as well as the many gifts that both congregations had to offer each other.
Worship is every Sunday at 10:30 in person and on YouTube.
We share together in singing and prayer, listen to scripture and a reflection from one of our ministers, and regularly enjoy music by one of our three choirs or special guest musicians. Music really is the heart and soul of our time together. Worship is joy-filled, a blend of contemporary practices rooted in familiar traditions and scripture – all tied together with a rainbow candle at the beginning of worship to celebrate that everyone is welcome.
We don’t have a dress code – come as you are, whether in formal attire or in casual jeans.
Please sit wherever you like.
Follow along on PowerPoint.
After worship, we hope you will stay for refreshments and conversation.
Children and youth are an important part of our church family.
During the early part of our worship, all ages share together in song, prayer, and usually an interactive story or conversation about our faith. Children and youth are then invited to go downstairs to their own program. Or if they prefer they are welcome to stay in the sanctuary for the remainder of the service (scripture, reflection, prayer, and music).
The staff and volunteers provide programs to creatively nurture spiritual development. Our programs are divided into two age groups: ages 3 to grade 3, and grades 4 and up. kidZone is more about nurturing faith rather than telling our children and youth what to believe.
Every week our kidZone team creates new content. We also have many fun community programs for all ages throughout the year. From our Community Trunk and Treat Halloween event, the Outdoor Christmas Nativity, our Community Youth Drama Group, or our Choir and Symphony concerts, there is always something memorable to inspire your faith.
We’re grateful for your interest in participating in St David’s and Northminster, and we look forward to getting to know each other.
As you begin to feel more at home here, membership means making a statement of faith and celebrating that you belong to God and this church family. If you’re interested in exploring the possibility of membership, the first step is dropping a line to our office. We’ll connect you with the minister for a New Member Orientation and we can go through any practical questions you have to see if it’s a fit for you. Rest assured, you don’t need to commit to membership to attend worship or anything else in the life of our churches.
Our churches are the place to grow in your faith and be part of something that makes a difference in your life and in the world. To find out more about worship, programming, or anything else on your mind, email us at

3303 Capitol Hill Crescent NW,
Calgary, AB T2M 2R2