Welcome to Tirecraft Huntsville 172 Main St W, Huntsville, Ontario, P1H1X8

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    Dan Shirtliff Your Tire Expert in Huntsville Ontario


    Thank you to all of our amazing customers who voted us your Favourite Auto Mechanic! We have been happy to serve you for the past 40 years and look forward to serving you in the future. Located at 172 Main St West. If you exit Highway 11 at exit #219 and head east in towards town you will pass the Super 8 Hotel and Service Canada and find them on the left side of the road next to Enterprise Rent A Car. If you happen to be in downtown Huntsville take Main St West heading west go out past the Tall Trees Restaurant and Ecno Lodge Hotel and you will find them on the right overlooking the water. Dan Shirtliff and his wife Joanne moved to the Huntsville area from Toronto in the last 70s. Their plan was to stay a year and return to the south and now that year has stretched into several decades. Dan started off repairing anything that people would bring to him from cars, forklifts, transport trucks and trailers. This diverse customer base allowed him…

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