Bab ul Ilm Imambargah Bani Hashim Society

Welcoming our fellow Muslim brothers and sisters to join hands with us at ImamBargah Bab ul Ilm


Salaat Timings
28 Ramadan 1446
Imsak 5:35 am
Fajr 5:40 am
Sunrise 7:07 am
Zuhr 1:23 pm
Sunset 7:39 pm
Maghrib 7:54 pm

Ramadan Program

Ramadan program at Babulilm Bani Hashim Society. Ramadan 1 to 14, lectures by Maulana Anees Raza Naqvi. Ramadan 15 to 30, lectures by Maulana Mubashir Haider Zaidi. Daily iftaar. Please sponsor iftaar, Jashn, and Majalis Ayyam e Ali during Ramadan. Few of the iftaars are already booked.

To book Iftaar, please contact:

Kamran Zaidi: +1 416 871 1817
Dr Misbah: +1 416 293 0189

Babul Ilm Weekly Programs

Our Services

Baqar Ul Aloom Academy

BUA provides a congenial and holistic environment where students easily acquire both religious and contemporary education, thus they will…

Islamic Burial Service

Full Islamic Burial Services is available to our Momineen and Mominat, under the Guidance of our Resident Aalim on site at Bab ul Ilm Imambargah…

Education Services

Bani Hashim Society has been providing free professional education to individuals in GTA and beyond. Our training courses includes certifications in…


We ask our Momineen & Mominaat for financial contributions, to donate generously towards a noble cause by purchasing a Prayer Spot…

Live Amongst People in Such a Manner That if You Die They Weep Over You and if You are Alive They Crave for Your Company.

- Imam Ali (A.S)

Babul Ilm Weekly Programs

Live Amongst People in Such a Manner That if You Die They Weep Over You and if You are Alive They Crave for Your Company.

- Imam Ali (A.S)

Donate For Humanity

May Allah give the opportunity to help families who are in need, and offer them a safe stay and health when lives are at risk.

Construction Fund


Musallah Fund


Education Fund

BAB UL ILM ISLAMIC CENTRE came in to existence in February 1982. The pioneer Aijaz Ali Bazmi with his extra ordinary efforts allowed the community of West-end to be able to worship and celebrate their prestigious religious occasions. This was considered an unachievable task due to non-availability of Shia Islamic Centre in the said region.

Contact Address