Oshawa Power and Sail Squadron in partnership with
Port Whitby Marine Supply on
Saturday June 7, 2025 from 9:00am to 3:00pm at
Port Whitby Marine Supplies (1636 Charles Street Whitby, Ontario).
Do you have questions or need information, please email
General Inquiries
for assistance.
Do you have questions or concerns on this web site, please email
for assistance.
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some questions we receive frequently
I have a LOST or STOLEN Pleasure Craft Operator Card (PCOC), what do I do?
If you received your Pleasure Craft Operator Card (PCOC) from a Canadian Power
and Sail Squadron (CPS) and either you have lost it or it has been stolen,
then no panic required, you have a couple of options:
With a credit card, you can get a replacement with a simple call to the
National Head Office at 1-888-CPS-BOAT (1-888-277-2628).
Simply go to this link on the CPS website:
Card and Certificate Replacements
and follow the instructions.
This page can also handle a PCOC that was issued by Industry Canada and
Restricted Operator Certificate (Maritime) (ROC(M)) cards that were issued by CPS or
Industry Canada.
What if I don't have the recommended prerequisite for a course?
Talk to the instructor! Students without the recommended
prerequistites most often struggle with a course and we want all our
students to be successful and have positive experience taking our
course. The instructor often do not have time to review all the
information convered in the prerequisite courses. However, many
students take a course with years of practical experience or have
taken CYA or USPS courses. The instructures evaluate each case
Is there a minimum number of students required to hold a course?
Yes, this is needed to offset the classroom cost and to keep the
registration fees down. If interested in one or more courses, please make
sure you contact the instructors early so we know you are interested and
we do not have to cancel any course because of the lack of students!
Thank you.
Does the Oshawa Power and Sail Squadron offer On-the-water Practical Training?
No. On-the-water practical training is offered by the affiliated schools of
Sail Canada,
one of our partners in education.
Do the instructors get paid?
No. All the Oshawa Power and Sail Squadrons instructors are
volunteers that are dedicated to making boating safe and enjoyable for
everyone. Our instuctors have taken, or are scheduled to take, the
CPS-ECP instructor training course which covers many topics including
many adult learning.
Toonie Tuesdays
Cost: $2.00.
2025 Edition
Oshawa Power and Sail Squadron welcomes you to join us for Toonie
Tuesdays at the Port Whitby Marina in the Avalon Lounge, start time
7:00 pm.
Any proceeds or donations on the PARA Marine SAR presentation evening will go
directly to their organization as they are raising money to fund operational
equipment needs and a long term boat replacement plan.
Details subject to change.
Blue - completed,
Salmon - next presentation,
Grey - future presentation.
Location: Avalon Lounge at Port Whitby Marina:
Click here for map
Time: 7PM - 9PM
February 25, 2025
Self-made boat covers
An enlightening evening about “So you think you want to make your own boat canvas”.
Come out to hear from someone who has done just that. Some discussion on should you,
space needed, tools and the entertainment value of the project.
March 4, 2025
Marine Flares
In this seminar we will discuss the different types of marine flares
and the requirements of what is mandatory to have on board by boat size.
We will look at when to use each type and in what order as well as the
handling and safe discharging of each type of flare.
March 11, 2025
March break, nothing scheduled as of yet
March 18, 2025
PARA Marine SAR presentation
A presentation by PARA Marine SAR that will give an overview and
understanding of the organization, their purpose, and the people
involved and the vessel they use.
March 25, 2025
Spring Launch 2024
Knotty Night is an opportunity to learn and try out some nautical
and not so nautical knots. This is a teaching session so bring 6
to 10 feet of rope and have fun.
1/2 in nylon double braid rope is recommended however most
anything double braid or 3 strand from 1/4 - 3/4 works. Yellow
clothesline rope will drive you overboard.
Course dates, times, locations and fees are subject to change.
Boating 1: Boating Basics (PCOC)
Formally part of the Boating Course
This course covers the Pleasure Craft Operator Card requirements.
All operators of motorized pleasure craft are required to show proof of
operator competency. All you need to know for the Transport Canada test is
presented in an easy to read format that is both informative and entertaining.
You can be confident that this study guide meets all the standards established by
Transport Canada’s Office of Boating Safety. As an extra benefit, if you pass
the test offered by Canadian Power apgnd Sail Squadrons, your Card is recognized
by BOTH Transport Canada and The National Association of State Boating Law
Administrators (USA). You may contact Canadian Power and Sail Squadrons to
locate a testing facility in your area.
Recommended Prerequisite: None
Dates, times, fees, location: To be determined.
Duration: 2 days
Location: To be determined closer to class start date.
Fee: Non-Member Price, printed book: $115, Member Price, printed book: $103.50
Course Minimum: 5 students, Open to the public
Successful completion of the exam provides the student with the
Pleasure Craft Operator's Card (PCOC) and a legal operator of boats
both in Canada and USA.
Also included in the course are all course materials and Associate
Membership in the Canadian Power and Sail Squadron which includes many
benefits such as a free subscription for one year to Canadian Yachting.
For more information: Please contact the Boating Basics Chair by email:
PCOC for Youth
The Operator Card seminar, ages 8-12.
The Approved Boating Handbook and the Student Workbook prepares
kids aged 8-12 for the Pleasure Craft Operator Card (PCOC) exam. The
Student Workbook is full of activities that assists children to learn
the material found in the Boating Handbook.\n\nStay safe with CPS-ECP.
Recommended Prerequisite: None
For more information: Please contact the Boating Basics Chair by email:
Boating 2: Beyond the PCOC and Boating 3: Introduction to Navigation
Formally part of the Boating Essentials course and, before that, part of the Boating Course
Boating Basics gets you out there, Boating 2 and Boating 3 brings you back.
Boating 2 – Beyond Boating Basics – The PCOC makes sure you have immediate
navigation and safety skills but it’s just the beginning of what you should
know when you get on a boat. In the second of our Boating Series, you
are introduced to the art of navigation, anchoring, ropes, lines and
knots – not to mention what to expect when the boat is moving under power.
This course also has a number of optional topics that will be taught
depending on your interests; these include towing, trailering and a check
list for layup and launch. Boating 3 – Introduction to Marine Navigation –
The third course in our series explores navigation further as you learn
how to plot and label on paper charts as well as what the skipper should
be doing before setting out and when under way, handling a boat under
sail as well as your environmental responsibilities and electrical hazards.
This course also has a number of optional topics that will be taught
depending on your interests; these include tides and currents, canals
and locks, and collision regulations.
Date: To be determined
Time: To be determined
Duration: 12 weeks
Fee: To be determined
Course Minimum: 5 students, Open to the public
Location: To be determined
For more information: Please contact the Boating Chair by email:
Marine Radio Course (VHF Restricted Operator Certificate (Marine))
The Maritime Radio course teaches emergency radio procedures and everyday
operating techniques. Includes Digital Selective Calling.
The Maritime Radio course teaches emergency radio procedures and everyday
operating techniques. Learn all about the uses of marine radios, choice of
frequencies, operation, phonetic alphabet, procedural words and phrases, as well
as Digital Selective Calling and the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System,
(DSC/GMDSS). All mariners, including recreational boaters, will want to take
advantage of the many features and capabilities of this innovative form “automatic”
radio. Secure your lifeline. Be sure that you and your family take the Maritime
Radio course. This complete package will prepare you for the Restricted Operator
Certificate (Maritime) with DSC Endorsement exam. To operate a maritime radio,
you need the certificate. It's the law!
Recommended Prerequisite: None
Dates: Saturday-Sunday, March 22-23, 2025
Time: Class start at 9:00AM, all day course.
Duration: 2 day, The course to take place on Saturday and the exam to take place on Sunday.
Location: To be determined
Note: The squadron may
schedule another course if there is enough demand. Please do not hesitate to
contact Richard Widish by email:
if you are interested in a course.
$125.00, Challenge Exam and DSC upgrade only option no longer offered. Fee may change in the new year.
The exam consists of 60 multiple choice questions and 2 oral questions to test
your knowledge of the phonetic alphabet.
All course material is supplied.
The operators certificate is good for life,
no renewal or re-testing.
Seamanship focuses on navigation and the skills needed to cope with a
variety of hazards.
Do you know what to do if a boat on fire calls you for help? Can you deal with
emergencies on your own boat? Build your confidence on the water, and make
your boating a safe and fun experience, by taking this CPS-ECP Course. You
will learn how to cope with these situations, as well as many other aspects of
boating, such as relative bearings, knots and splicing, medical emergencies,
coping with adverse weather, and much more. This course was formerly called Seamanship.
A necessary course in advanced coastal navigation for short duration trips
out of sight of land.
Knowledge of the basics of navigation and planning cruises on a maritime chart
is just the start. Expand that knowledge by using a variety of electronic
devices to chart your course and enable you to plan your course under tidal,
current and windy conditions. By learning more about dead reckoning, fixes
and running fixes you will have attained a high degree of proficiency in
navigating through coastal waters. In the CPS-ECP AP Course we cover GPS,
Chart Plotters, Radar, SONAR, Autopilots and more. This course was formerly
called Advanced Piloting.
Date: To be determined
Time: To be determined
Duration: 15 weeks
Fee: To be determined
Course Minimum: 5 students, Open to the public
Location: To be determined
Junior Navigator is the first of a two-part program of study in offshore
(open coast) navigation.
When the GPS ceases to work, be guided by the sun. This is the first
of a two-course program of Offshore Navigation for the recreational boater.
Learn to use a marine sextant to derive lines of position and a running
fix from sights on the sun. When you are boating offshore, remember that
GPS is not infallible, nor always available. Be confident when no aids
to navigation or land objects are in sight. This course was formerly
called Junior Navigator.
This Sailing Course covers the practical and theoretical basics of sailing and
sailing seamanship. The range of topics is broad: from a description of
different sailboat rigs, sail plans, hull types, and rigging to stability,
balance, and the physics of sailing; from sailing at different points of sail
to handling heavy weather and storm conditions; from spinnaker handling to
reefing; from leaving the dock to mooring and anchoring. It also covers
sailing safety, navigation rules, and sailing tactics.
Do you want to learn more about sailing? Do you want to improve your sailing
skills and your understanding of how sails work? This Sailing Course covers the
practical and theoretical basics of sailing and sailing seamanship. The range
of topics is broad: from a description of different sailboat rigs, sail plans,
hull types, and rigging to stability, balance, and the physics of sailing;
from sailing at different points of sail to handling heavy weather and storm
conditions; from spinnaker handling to reefing; from leaving the dock to mooring
and anchoring. It also covers sailing safety, navigation rules, and sailing tactics
Whether you are a new sailor or you are an experienced sailor and want to increase
your sailing knowledge and skills, this course is for you.
Recommended Prerequisite: None
Date: To be determined
Time: To be determined
Duration: 9 weeks
Fee: Non-Member Price, printed book: $165, Member Price, printed book: $148.50
Course Minimum: 5 students, Open to the public
Location: To be determined closer to class start date. May be a virtual course.
For more information: Please contact the Sail Instructor by email:
Boat & Engine Maintenance
From spark plugs to bottom paint, this 2-part course covers all the DIY
basics for boaters. This course is taught by a Certified Marine Mechanic.
Keep the water on the other side of the wall! From spark plugs to bottom paint,
this course covers all the basics for “do it yourself” boaters. This course will
equip you with the knowledge required to prevent onboard problems, carry out
specialized tasks and tackle both short-term troubleshooting as well as long-term
boat care. It features practical information and handy tips suitable for both new
and existing boat owners. The dream of owning, maintaining and using your own
boat without great expense can be achieved through the completion of the
Boat & Engine Maintenance Course.
Recommended Prerequisite: None
Dates: To be determined
Time: To be determined
Duration: 10 weeks
Fee: To be determined
Course Minimum: 5 students, Open to the public
Location: To be determined
You will learn the ins and
outs of your boat's electrical systems. Gain the confidence to tackle direct
current, shore power and communications installations.
Learn how to maintain electrical systems in your boat properly and safely. Gain
a solid foundation in wiring, direct current systems, and alternating current
systems found on recreational vessels. It also covers galvanic and stray current
corrosion, lightning protection, interference suppression and electrical troubleshooting.
earn how to maintain electrical systems in your boat properly and safely. Gain
a solid foundation in wiring, direct current systems, and alternating current
systems found on recreational vessels. It also covers galvanic and stray current
corrosion, lightning protection, interference suppression and electrical
troubleshooting. Enrol in the Marine Electrical Maintenance Course with your
local Canadian Power and Sail Squadron, because PEACE OF MIND IS PRICELESS!
Recommended Prerequisite: None
Date: To be determined
Time: To be determined
Duration: 10 weeks
Fee: Non-Member Price, printed book: $170, Member Price, printed book: $153.00
Course Minimum: 5 students, Open to the public
Location: To be determined closer to class start date. May be a virtual course.
This course will allow the pleasure craft operator to navigate safely knowing
his exact location at all times.
This course will allow the pleasure craft operator to navigate safely knowing
his exact location at all times. You will learn to navigate using GPS and paper
charts as well as electronic charting devices. It includes a CD containing a number
of charts and a full scale simulator of a chart plotter to help you learn by doing.
Join with others to share experiences and knowledge.
Recommended Prerequisite: None
Date: To be determined
Time: To be determined
Duration: 6 weeks
Fee: Non-Member Price, printed book: $170, Member Price, printed book: $153
Course Minimum: 5 students, Open to the public
Location: To be determined closer to class start date. May be a virtual course.
Introduces the student to many aspects of the formation and behavior of weather, presented in
a straight forward manner.
Winds, waves, fog, lightning, hail, tornadoes .... hurricanes! The wise boater
respects and anticipates mother nature’s many moods. Beyond “red sky in the morning”,
this course provides boaters with the tools to find and accurately interpret weather
reports and forecasts, and to develop keen judgments in “reading” the sky and sea
for optimum boating safety in and around Canadian waters. Newly developed for adult
learners, this course will measure learning success not by closed-book, memory-work
exams, but by practical, open-book applications of learned concepts to actual boating
Recommended Prerequisite: None
Dates: To be determined
Time: To be determined
Duration: 6 weeks
Fee: To be determined
Course Minimum: 5 students, Open to the public
Location: To be determined
Note: "Testimonials" links use browser popup windows.
You may need to enable popups in your browser to view this information.
Online Courses
As of January 3, 2012, Canadian Power and Sail Squadrons (CPS) is pleased to
announce the launch of its online self study version of the Boating 1: Boating Basics
The Pleasure Craft Operator Card "Boating Basics" course, (also known as The "Boating License")
Online Education is not meant to replace traditional classroom training. CPS
courses will continue to be offered by CPS through its Squadrons. Online
education is an additional option for students comfortable with the process
and students that may not be able to attend regular classroom courses.
For information on all our in-classroom courses, see the
Courses tab to find contact details for the
course instructors or show up at first class to register.
Marine Weather Sites
Before you leave the dock, always remember to check the weather!
For Marine Weather Sites listed on the CPS-ECP boating links page: Click here
Marine Forecasts and Warnings for Canada: Click here
Marine Weather for: Great Lakes - Lake Erie and Lake Ontario: Click here
The most important reason for joining the Oshawa Power & Sail Squadron is
the opportunity to learn about boating - how to stay safe while having fun.
Secondarily, there are a number of other benefits to joining our squadron:
Oshawa Squadron
Port Whitby Marine Supplies (5% discount). Need a new Burgee? You can get a new one at Port Whitby Marine Supplies, remember to bring your Canadian Power and Sail membership card.
Get a free Courtesy Check to ensure you have the required
equipment on board. Contact us for details.
** Benefits may change from time to time without notice.
Rendezvous, the annual meeting of Quinte Squadron, is also the venue for some fierce competitions, as
squadron members show their excellent navigational abilities.
In 2002, the Oshawa Squadron successfully defended the Richardson and McNea trophies. Fighting off 3
strong competitors, the Oshawa team of Richard Button, Suzanne Askin, and Keith Welsh skippering his
33' Sea Ray, Bonnie G II, have seen to it that the trophies stay in Oshawa for another year.
All competitors had to contend with 60 Km/hr winds blowing most of the day on Lake Chemong, making the
both the cruise and predicted log competitions especially challenging.
The first competition for the Richardson trophy was a cruise very much the same as one from the boating
course; taking bearings on landmarks, working with 60DST and estimating position. The high winds played
havoc with the markers that were placed out in the lake, knocking some over or churning up waves that
obscured the markers.
Challenging the Oshawa boat was Phil Keegan and a crew from the Peterborough Squadron. Phil was at the helm
of Cat's Paw, his 29' Carver, and his crew of Mel Little, Bob Lockie and Mike Pulcine worked together on
spotting the marks and landmarks and doing the math in the choppy conditions.
The second competition was the predicted log competition for the McNea trophy. The competitors had to predict
the time to complete each leg of a short multi leg cruise at a set speed. Easy enough using 60DST, but made
more challenging by having to factor in the 60 km/hr wind. The Oshawa crew won the competition for the fourth
consecutive year.
The challengers were a crew of novices from the Peterborough Squadron who scored a very close 1/100 of a point
behind Oshawa. They didn't sail away empty handed though as they won the Roy Edwards trophy which is awarded
to crews competing for their first time. Karen Morgan was the skipper of her 29' Thundercraft, Infinity, and
had Carol Cook, Lena Lawrence, Marie Millard and Karen Walker as crew. They were very happy with their efforts
and their trophy. The success of the novice crew is encouraging, showing that you don't need many years of
experience to give the "seasoned" competitors as close contest, or even win.
A special mention goes out to the members of the United States Power Squadron who came out to compete. Will
Kirnie, immediate P/D/C of USPS District 6, and Peter Burke, P/D/C of USPS District 6, attended Rendezvous for
the first time last year. They returned this year with their spouses and additional crew. Attending for their
first time were Chris Tertinek, P/D/C USPS District 6 and his wife Marti. Even though they were not able to
officially compete, the USPS crew tried both competitions and took back ideas for cruises and competitions for
their own Rendezvous. Will extends an enthusiastic invitation to all members of the Quinte District to attend
the District 6 Rendezvous to be held in Tonawanda/Buffalo area later this summer.
Jim Doyle, Commander of the Bay of Quinte Squadron extends an invitation to all members of the Quinte District
to come to Belleville next year. Rendezvous and Quinte District Annual General Meeting will be held in
Belleville May 30, 31 and June 01 2003. The Bridge of the Oshawa Squadron encourages all members, whether you
are a life member or just a recent graduate of the Boating Course, to come out next year and defend those
Web Links for Boating, Sailing, Cruising and Racing
If you are an Oshawa Power
and Sale Squadron member and have some thing for sale, please contact
with a picture, description, price and contact info to be displayed in advertisement. The ad will be reviewed before posting.
Contact Us
For General Inquiries
Do you have questions or need information about the Oshawa Power and Sail Squadron, please email
General Inquiries
for assistance.
Do you have questions or concerns on this web site, please email
for assistance.
Executive Meetings (aka Bridge Meetings) are open to the membership;
they are usually held on the second Thursday of the month at Delpark Homes
Centre (formally Legends Centre). (Please contact our Commander
Scott Haslam
to let him know you wish to attend).
The Oshawa Squadron is a member of Quinte District;
other Squadrons in the district are