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Welcome to Forest~Pro

Forest Pro Forestry Consulting Services has over 28 years of combined forestry experience. We specialize in working with landowners to:

  • Develop woodlot management plans to realize your invesment's potential
  • Make sure your interests are protected
  • Assist with forest management for wildlife and recreation
  • Ensure you receive "maximum" dollars from timber sales

How can we help you successfully manage your woodlot? We will develop a low cost management plan designed specifically for your woodlot. We offer a wide range of services, from woodlot appraisals, to a full service package taking you from initial appraisal to final harvest.

Managed Forest Tax Incentive Program

We specialize in Forest Management and Stewardship Plans and approvals for the Managed Forest Tax Incentive Program (MFTIP). Forest Management Plans are required to qualify for MFTIP. Our plans are custom designed and meet or exceed the requirements of the MFTIP program.
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