Megna Pools

Each MEGNA POOLS product is custom made by craftsmen each with over 30 years experience in the swimming pool industry.  Attention to quality is our #1 goal. We don't check a product once it's made — by then it is too late! Instead we build quality into every step of the process.


superior quality

Our craftsmen are extensively trained using leading edge equipment and technology, to ensure our pool liners are fabricated to perfection! At every stage of the process each order is checked for accuracy so that the product we make is right the first time!


All components of a MEGNA POOLS steel wall pool kit are made from the highest grade of galvanized North American steel. Panels are fabricated using the latest clinch-lock technology for superior rust resistance and durability, NO WELDS!

dealer information

MEGNA POOLS specializes in personal service, quality products and attention to detail; while delivering products in a timely manner. We answer the phone personally and actually qualify every order before it is entered. 


We buy only the best materials available. Where possible we source our product from local suppliers. Buying domestically means we support jobs for our customers. Our craftsmen are extensively trained to ensure we make only the best products!