About us / À propos de nous
We are a family oriented dental clinic that has been established and family run in the Côte-des-Neiges area for over 30 years. We offer comprehensive dental care to patients of all ages and strive to ensure that all our patients are treated with compassion in a comfortable, honest and friendly environment.
Nous sommes une clinique dentaire familiale établie dans le quartier Côte-des-Neiges depuis plus de 30 ans. Nous offrons des services dentaires compréhensifs aux patients de tout âge. Nous faisons de notre mieux afin d’assurer que tous nos patients soient traités avec compassion dans un environnement comfortable, honnête et amical.
accessible via 51, 166 & 165/435 bus lines or a 5 min walk from Côte-des-Neiges metro station / accessible via les trajets d’autobus 51, 166 & 165/435 ou à 5 minutes de marche de la station métro Côte-des-Neiges
street parking available and Oratoire St-Joseph parking lot available for $5/day / stationnement de rue disponible et le stationnement de l’Oratoire St-Joseph est disponible pour $5/jour
Contact Us
5022 Côte-des-Neiges, #2
Montréal, QC H3V 1G6
(514) 731-0886
Emergencies / Urgences
Diagnostic Exams and Consultations / Examens diagnostics et consultations
Digital Radiographs and Intraoral Camera / Radiographies digitales et caméra intraorale
Scaling and prophy (cleanings) / Détartrage et prophylaxie (nettoyage)
Pediatric dentistry / Dentisterie pédiatrique
Dental Sealants / Scellants dentaires
Restorations (fillings) in Amalgam and Composite / Obturations (plombages) en amalgame et en composite
Root Canals / Traitements de canals
Dental Extractions (tooth removal) / Extractions dentaires
Removable Complete Dentures and Partial Dentures / Prothèses amovibles complètes et partielles
Crowns (caps) and Bridges / Couronnes et Ponts
Veneers / Facettes
Restorations on implants: crowns, overdentures and bridges / Restaurations sur implants: couronnes, ponts et dentiers
Mouthguards / Protecteur Buccal
Occlusal splints (nightguards) / Plaque Occlusale
Teeth Bleaching / Blanchiment Dentaire
Dr Johanna Pham, B.Sc., D.D.S.
Dr Pham was born in Montreal, raised in Saigon and returned to Montreal at the end of the Vietnam war. She graduated from McGill University with a Bachelor of Science in Microbiology and Immunology in 1980 and obtained her Doctorate of Dental Surgery there as well in 1984. She went on to complete a multidisciplinary residency at St-Mary’s Hospital with rotations at Ste-Justine Hospital.
Dr Pham has been a clinical instructor at McGill University’s Faculty of Dentistry for over 10 years overseeing the 3rd year students during their multidisplinary clinics. She was awarded the prestigious Ralph Silverstone Teaching Award at the McGill Dentistry’s annual white coat ceremony. She is a member of the Ordre des Dentistes du Québec (ODQ), Association des Chirurgiens Dentistes du Québec (ACDQ) and the Montréal Dental Club.
Dr Chloë Fung, B.Sc., D.M.D.
Dr Fung was born and raised in Montreal. She graduated from McGill University’s School of Physical and Occupational Therapy with a Bachelor of Science in Rehabilitation Science in and obtained her Doctorate of Dental Medicine from the Faculty of Dentistry. Upon graduation, she was awarded the American Academy or Periodontology Award. She went on to complete a multidisciplinary residency in the Advanced Education in General Dentistry program at the University of Connecticut Health Center with rotations at the Connecticut Children’s Medical Center.
Dr Fung is board certified in Canada and the United States. She is also a clinical instructor at McGill University’s Faculty of Dentistry and oversees the 4th year students during their emergency clinic rotations. She is a member of the Ordre des Dentistes du Québec (ODQ), Association des Chirurgiens Dentistes du Québec (ACDQ) and the Montréal Dental Club.