Brampton Colour & Sound
160 Main St S, Brampton ON L6W 2E1
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    Use this company with caution

    it is currently jan 27, 2012. I sent my 40" Samsung LCD TV into this shop around November 2, 2011 for repair, they picked it up and it was returned to me around November 18, 2011 with a so called "90 day warranty." This repair cost me $300 in which i paid cash. Apon plugging in my tv and hooking up cable/dvd player i noticed the tv had an extreme flicker, so bad is was almost like a strobe light. This problem was with all standard hookups for example: AV1, AV2, both cable/air inputs, svideo and pc connections. Although HDMI and component seemed to work ok i did not have HD cable in this room. When i called Brampton Colour and Sound the following Monday (it was returned to me on a friday) they said they were going to send somebody to my house to see what the problem was.. i waited untill that thursday befor i called them back because nobody showed up and since then (now being over 2 months later) all they have done is say "were waiting for a part" i've called them many times and every time they seem to not have any complaint on record or even be aware of my problem, so i'd have to explain it to them again in that case thay say "were waiting for a part" or "we'll look into it" and i never hear back untill i call them again.. a vicious cycle over and over.. its now been 2 and a half months since my tv was returned and they have not done anything to fix my problem but they still have my $300. I would not recommend this company and its services to anybody as they fully took my money and had no intent of fixing my tv after sent back to me broken. USE THIS STORE AT YOUR OWN RISK! a very high risk at that! also a reminder that this company is not located at the address listed here.

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