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Amber Kenyon may have been born and raised in an urban setting, but her heart has always been wholly rural. As a child, she craved the solace and nourishment that the mountains, forest and wilderness gave her, forever asking her mother when they were going to go camping, to the beach or to the mountains. As a result, Amber has spent the bulk of her life exploring the outdoors. Fast forward to when she met her husband, Steve, a born and raised farmer from Saskatchewan running a custom grazing business. Amber had not only met her match but also found her calling. “Everything she did for fun,” says Steve, “I did for work.”

Together, the Kenyons run Green Pastures Ranching, an intentionally diverse ranching business that offers custom grazing, grass-fed pork and beef, and education through Greener Pastures Ranching Year Round Grazing Systems School. Additionally, both Amber and Steve speak at various farming conferences and engagements, as well as write for Canadian Cattlemen, Stockman Grass Farmer and The Blade. Greener Pastures Ranching’s mission statement is “Economic and environmental sustainability for generations,” and the Kenyons live by this sentiment. Not only do they stock their own deep freeze with food they’ve raised sustainably themselves, but they also support their neighbouring farms, teach other farmers their ranching methods, and live off the grid.

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